With the need to drive and accelerate both social and environmental change, the Shades of Life Podcast & Scarlet Red Magazine give a voice and a platform to the Change-Makers of today and tomorrow who dream and show that another world is possible.

Whether they are entrepreneurs, scientists, or creatives, our guests share their passion for their craft but also for life on the planet and provide useful solutions and transformational inspiration to take significant steps forward.

Through their kaleidoscopic stories, we start seeing a mood board taking shape, a colourful world map made of their different visions and missions showing that everyone and everything is interconnected and that it is in our diversity and in us coming together that we can be part of the solutions.

We hope these stories will inspire the next generation of change-makers and support you in your own impact journey, no matter what stage you are at in your life.

A Word from the Editor

Welcome to Scarlet Red Magazine. I created Scarlet Red with the idea to offer you a very creative, borderline artistic and inspirational magazine with content that is truly meaningful, helpful, and goes deeper than the surface level or the masks we wear.

A magazine also that exudes real LIFE in all its vibrant, beautiful, sometimes poignant colour palette and doesn’t only talk of the (real) challenges we all face but also the creative, sometimes out of the box solutions.

This is why the magazine comes with the “Shades of Life” Podcast which is an integral part of it. Its mission will be to establish real human connections and dig deeper into the messages, diversity and wisdom of our guests.

I am obsessed with being more and more in alignment with ourselves - in a holistic way - and with living more and more in harmony with each other, with nature, the planet on which we live and all its inhabitants. Life is energy and we are all one in our interconnectedness. When we lift ourselves up, we lift everybody up. And when you lift up someone else, you lift yourself up too! It goes both ways.

I believe this is when we live life to our fullest potential for our own happiness and for the greater good. It is my life passion and my life purpose. It is the ultimate goal of Scarlet Red.

After all, we all live under the same constellations of stars above our heads, in the galaxy of an immense and ever-expanding universe, suspended on a seemingly tiny and strikingly beautiful blue planet. It’s just a question of perspective, and just this should make us closer and more compassionate with each other. So let’s learn to see through the lens of others too while we learn to master our own world at the same time.

We live in a realm that is a giant tapestry of interwoven cultures which all carry precious wisdoms and we will aim to explore many of them. As learning from and exchanging with others will be a key focus, one of the foundations of the magazine and podcast that we use to articulate our content borrows from Hinduism and the Four Great Dharmas (self, work, love, service).

I am from the Western world but I like to embrace those ‘Eastern life goals’. They can be interpreted and used as a useful guide in a very universal way for self fulfilment and the greater good, whoever and wherever you are in the world. Wisdom always transcends time, place, and identity. Please refer to the homepage for our editorial line.

Welcome to our community of life whisperers, those who are reshaping the world as they want to see it, and their many shades. Let’s take flight together and build that rainbow.

Ingrid Lung - Editor-in-Chief

Why Scarlet Red?

Colour has played a big role for me throughout my life from being an artist from a young age to developing enamels and colour palettes for a well-known French brand of cast iron cookware for over 20 years. I have also always been fascinated and inspired by the diversity of our planet and its many shades and enjoy being an all-round creative, traveller and photographer.

As an artist, I have used Faber-Castell Polychromos pencils for a long time. They are my favourites and they bring me back to my ancestors roots originating from old Bavaria. I have a big box of 120 pencils at home and the shade that has always stood out for me and the only colour name I ever remember is SCARLET RED. It is a shade that reflects my passionate nature but also one that reminds me how important it is to always unlock our creative potential and express our own uniqueness. Which also means to never be afraid to be different and stand out. It is rather usually our greatest strength.

When I was looking for a name for the magazine it also happened that I was staying at the Scarlet Hotel, an eco-retreat by the Celtic Sea in the UK. It was a pivotal moment in my life when I needed to reconnect with myself and this place brought so much soothing at the right time. It was just perfect. Just like the name :)

Scarlet Red is my shade but as we invite and connect with guests for the magazine and podcast, we will discover many more which will all come together to build a bigger picture. If you watch and listen to our Podcast ‘Shades of Life’, you will see that we ask a bonus question to each guest at the end of each episode about what THEIR colour is, and why, as a fun and interesting way to discover more about them.