Charlotte Qin: The Artist on a Mission to Make Us Feel the Emotional Pain of Water

Desert, Artwork by Charlotte Qin

Polluted Water: Reviving The Source of Life & Our Future

Water. We all know how important this element is. We live on a blue planet after all. 60% of our bodies are made of water on average. Yet, we tend to forget about it, and forget how essential it is to fight for its conservation.

When an element is so much in abundance - water covers 70% of our planet - we tend to think it will always be alright and plentiful. But we need to consider that only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use.

The vast majority of our water today is also polluted, in all its forms. It’s in the atmosphere, the water we drink, our rivers, our lakes, our oceans, our aquifers (the precious water underground), our own bodies.

What are the consequences of this pollution? We don’t know the full extent of it yet, but here are some key statistics that emphasize the global nature of water pollution and its profound impact on health, ecosystems, and economies around the world.

These statistics highlight the urgent need for action to address this pressing environmental issue.

Water Artivism: Empowering Change Through the Flow of Creativity

To make us reconnect with the importance of water, a young Chinese-Canadian artist, Charlotte Qin is dedicating her body of work solely to this precious element. Don’t be fooled by the gold she uses in her artworks following a trip to India, the value of her art truly lies in this primary resource that is water.

Réciprocité, Charlotte Qin

Charlotte Qin is a Chinese-Canadian artist living in Switzerland who started using her art as a vehicle to advocate for water. The creation of her NGO Meeting of Waters (MoW) was born out of a young artist who had been obsessed with water since childhood; the immense grief she felt due to the state of water on Earth had driven her to devote her life to advocating and protecting this precious element. 

The crisis in water and water-related issues, resulting from environmental deterioration, governance mismanagement, and political weaponisation of certain water infrastructures, has been considered one of the root causes of the climate change and humanitarian crises that modern societies are facing today. However, the urgency of water issues is not yet fully integrated into the common consciousness of every civilian.

The mission of Meeting of Waters is to revitalise the relationship between humanity and water to one that is based on love and care. Where most actors dealing with water are very fragmented today, the NGO serves as a link between the art, science, and policy communities within the water sector with the objective to champion "water consciousness" through the fusion of art and activism.

MoW's performances have garnered recognition at prestigious events such as the United Nations Water Conference in New York City, the 8th World Water Congress in Beijing, China, and the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, UAE, in 2023.

MoW advocates for elevating art to the forefront of the water sector, nurturing a spirit of collaborative cooperation and fostering a culture of peace within a world characterised by complexity and diversity.

The Dual Beauty: How Water’s Grace Inspires Us to Honour Our Emotional Depth and Protect Our Planet

Art plays a vital role in inspiring us to engage and reconnect with water as an essential element of life. It serves as a bridge between our emotions and our environment, allowing us to express our thoughts and feelings about water's beauty and significance.

Just as water itself embodies a duality — both soft and strong — art can also be a form of soft activism. Through creative expression, we can raise awareness about the importance of preserving our water sources while fostering a deeper appreciation for this vital resource.

Contemplating the beauty of water in all its forms deepens our understanding of its role in sustaining ecosystems and human life. From the gentle ripples of a lake to the powerful flow of a river, each aspect of water inspires reflection. These moments encourage us to recognize our reliance on clean, abundant water, and to confront the pressing challenges posed by pollution and climate change.

By engaging with water through art — whether through painting, photography, or poetry — we stimulate dialogue and encourage individuals to reflect on their relationship with this precious resource. These creative endeavours amplify the message of stewardship, reminding us that protecting water is not just an environmental issue, but a crucial part of our collective identity.

Ultimately, this artistic engagement encourages a sense of responsibility to preserve water for future generations. By appreciating the beauty and significance of water, we are motivated to take action, whether it's advocating for cleaner water policies or participating in local conservation efforts.

Through mindfulness and creative expression, we can cultivate a deeper connection to water, embracing it as both an inspiration and a call to action.

In conclusion, art focusing on water serves as a powerful tool for raising awareness, fostering community engagement, and inspiring action. By combining creativity with environmental consciousness, water-themed art can contribute significantly to addressing water-related challenges and promoting sustainability on a global scale.

Here are several points that highlight the beauty of water and how it impacts us positively.

Water's Crucial Role: The Key to Combatting Climate Change and Securing Our Future

Sound water management is critical for sustaining thriving life on our planet, yet many of the water systems that nourish ecosystems and support a growing human population have become increasingly stressed.

Rivers, lakes, and aquifers are drying up or becoming too polluted for use, and more than half of the world’s wetlands have disappeared. The agricultural sector, which consumes more water than any other source, often exacerbates the issue by wasting vast amounts through inefficiencies (source: WWF).

As climate change alters weather patterns around the globe, these challenges are magnified. Some regions are grappling with severe water shortages and droughts, while others face devastating floods. The consequences of these shifts not only threaten biodiversity but also the very fabric of human communities that depend on reliable water sources for their livelihood.

River of Peace, Charlotte Qin

However, there is hope. Sometimes the issue is also the solution. Water is not only impacted by climate change but also plays a vital role in addressing it.

By leveraging water resources wisely, implementing sustainable practices, and enhancing water management strategies, we can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

By recognizing water’s multifaceted role, we open the door to innovative solutions that can help manage its distribution more effectively. This perspective should serve as a strong incentive for us to pay attention to water conservation and management.

Preserving and optimizing our water sources can contribute positively to our ecosystems and bolster resilience against climate impacts.

By adopting sustainable practices, protecting wetlands, and investing in water-efficient technologies, we can ensure that water serves not just as a resource to be consumed but as a vital element for the greater good.

The action we take now to safeguard this precious resource will have cascading benefits for both our environment and future generations.

Here are some key points on how water can help address climate change.

Water: A Catalyst for Spiritual Connection and Personal Growth

Water is a fundamental resource that impacts individuals, societies, and the planet in myriad ways, shaping our experiences and interactions with the world around us.

Water is also rich in symbolism across various cultures, religions, and philosophies. It represents different concepts and ideas, often reflecting its essential role in life, nature, and human experience. Its diverse associations span emotional, spiritual, cultural, and practical dimensions, making it an enduring symbol across different contexts and traditions.

Here are some common symbolisms of water emphasizing our deep connection to it.

Meet The Rivers, Charlotte Qin


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