Sustainable Fashion: the NEW (wild) Job Titles of the Future

Fashion is one of the biggest polluting industries on the planet and as part of the shift towards becoming more sustainable comes the need for 1) evolving existing business models and creating new sustainable, circular businesses, but also 2) evolving current roles and creating new ones that meet the new needs. This opens the opportunity for new and exciting job descriptions!

We were very inspired this week by a post from Rachel Arthur, Advocacy Lead - Sustainable Fashion at the UN Environment Programme as she was asking for help with some research she’s doing to ideate any interesting, wild, alternative, intricate, nuanced examples of job titles in sustainable fashion right now such as Apurv Gupta, Sustainability Futurist at Kering, or Vincent Stanley, Director of Philosophy at Patagonia.

The question is not only interesting and inspiring but it is also challenging us in the best of ways to think about the future roles at fashion brands as we need to integrate both nature and human capitals in the picture. Because the roles are so new and there is a need to think outside the box to create exciting new job descriptions, we enrolled the help of ChatGPT to ideate 10 roles for a sustainable fashion brand that are stimulating but also very real and with actual deliverables involved.

Here were the 10 top roles proposed:


The HR Departments of the future will probably gather the help of ChatGPT too to ideate and develop new job descriptions for the fashion industry. We’re giving it a head start with 30 further ideas in the era of AI:

  1. Eco-Fashion Ethnographer

  2. Sustainable Style Catalyst

  3. Resilience Regenerator

  4. Circular Fashion Alchemist

  5. Green Innovation Enabler

  6. Ethical Couture Artisan

  7. Conservation Couturier

  8. Climate Conscious Creator

  9. Eco-Chic Transformationist

  10. Regenerative Textile Designer

  11. Zero Waste Fashion Strategist

  12. Social Sustainability Advocate

  13. Green Supply Chain Maestro

  14. Conscious Consumer Engagement Specialist

  15. Sustainability Storytelling Maven

  16. Ethical Design Thinking Facilitator

  17. Eco-Friendly Fiber Innovator

  18. Biodiversity Fashion Curator

  19. Circular Materials Scientist

  20. Sustainable Brand Experience Architect

  21. Eco-Inclusive Fashion Strategist

  22. Community Resilience Liaison

  23. Green Technology Integration Specialist

  24. Sustainable Fashion Policy Analyst

  25. Ethical Supply Chain Coordinator

  26. Nature-Inspired Product Development Lead

  27. Resilient Fashion Systems Planner

  28. Conscious Fashion Marketing Guru

  29. Climate Positive Fashion Activist

  30. Environmental Impact Assessment Manager

We will let you imagine what they could be and let us know in the comments if you have any further suggestions!

A Real Life Example: Sol Escobar, Founder of Give Your Best

This great ideation exercise came in the same week as when we released our new Podcast with Sol Escobar, the Founder of Give Your Best, an award-winning 'tech for good' social enterprise offering the first circular platform of its kind where people and brands donate clothes online, so communities living in clothing poverty can shop for free with the agency and dignity they deserve. 

Sol and her team have been redefining how we can tackle fashion waste in the UK through a new circular platform that also drives social change and supports a very big community suffering from clothing poverty. An estimated 5.5 million adults (a staggering 13% of the population) are indeed currently unable to afford the clothes that make everyday life – such as applying for interviews, going to work, school, or sometimes even just leaving the house – possible.

It was too tempting not to ask ChatGPT to ideate some ideas for a new job title for Sol and here were some suggestions. We will let you choose which one you prefer! We’ve got a sweet spot for 8!

  1. Circular Couture Equality Pioneer

  2. Sustainable Style Empowerment Visionary

  3. Circular Fashion Inclusivity Strategist

  4. Ethical Apparel Accessibility Trailblazer

  5. Fashion Equality Entrepreneur

  6. Circular Wardrobe Revolutionist

  7. Sustainable Fashion Equality Architect

  8. Circular Couture Social Impact Innovator

  9. Ethical Fashion Circularity Champion

  10. Inclusive Circular Fashion Catalyst


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